Elementary – Timeline Weekend

Teaching Truth

Bible Timeline: Exile, Return, Silence.

Questions to Ask Your Child

  • Why did Israel go into exile? (The Israelites sinned against God and weren’t sorry about it. God wanted to remind them that His way is always best, and this was the consequence for their sin.) Did God still love and take care of His people? (Absolutely!)

  • READ Ezra 1:1-4 How did God keep the promises He made to Israel? (He let them come back to Jerusalem and their homes so they could rebuild.) What was God most concerned about rebuilding when the Israelites returned to Jerusalem? (Their hearts)

  • READ Malachi 3:1 Who did Malachi promise was coming? (first a messenger and then the Lord Himself, the Messiah, would come) What was God doing between Malachi and Matthew? (setting up everything in history to be just right for Jesus to come)

  • What is your favorite story from the Old Testament? Let your family share (or even act out) their favorite stories with each other.