Elementary // Integrity Week 2

Memory Verse:
People with integrity walk safely, but those who follow crooked paths will slip and fall. — Proverbs 10:9


Integrity: Following God inside, outside, and everywhere.

Scripture Reference

Luke 11:37-40; Ezekiel 36:26-27

Teaching Truth

People of integrity are transformed from the inside out.

Questions to Ask Your Child

Read Luke 11:37-40 

  1. What did the Pharisee notice about Jesus when He sat down for dinner? (He didn’t wash his hands before the meal.) Why did it bother the Pharisee so much? (It was tradition to wash your hands in a specific way.)

  2. Look at verse 39. What do you think Jesus meant when He told the Pharisees that they cleaned the outside but were filthy on the inside? (They were concerned about looking good on the outside, following the rules, etc., but on the inside, they did not love God or want to follow Him.)

  3. What is the “outside of the cup” Jesus talked about? (The actions that people can see and what they looked like) What is the inside of the cup? (Their hearts)

Read Ezekiel 36:26-27

  1. Who is speaking in these verses? (The Lord) What does He promise to take out of our INSIDES? (Our hard, stubborn hearts that don’t want to follow Him) What does God promise to give us instead? (A new, tender heart and a new spirit)

  2. What gift from God helps us follow His decrees and laws? In other words, what on our INSIDE helps us follow Him on the OUTSIDE? (His Spirit)

  3. How can we be transformed from the inside out? (God loves us so much, but our hard sinful hearts keep us from being with Him. Because of His love, Jesus came and died on the cross to take the punishment we deserve because of our hard hearts and He came back to life on the 3rd day. God is willing and able to give us new and tender hearts when we ask for forgiveness because of Jesus’ sacrifice. When we put our trust in Him, the Holy Spirit comes to live INSIDE us and gives us the ability to love God and follow Him inside, outside, and everywhere.)


Make a list of things that can look really good on the outside but be yucky or dirty on the inside. (Examples: a car that’s gone through a car wash but is messy inside, a pumpkin, a coffee cup that was left out for a few days, etc.) What is the best solution to make those things totally clean? (start by cleaning out the inside!) In the same way, God wants us to be transformed from the inside out, so He starts with our hearts!