Elementary // Initiative Week 4

Memory Verse:
“In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” Matthew 5:16 (NLT)


Initiative: Taking wise action without being told

Teaching Truth

Worship God and celebrate His faithfulness

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read Nehemiah 6:15-16. How many days did it take Nehemiah and the Israelites to finish the wall? (Only 52 days!) Who helped them? How did this make their enemies feel? (God helped them! This made their enemies frightened and humiliated because they saw how mighty God is.)

  2. Read Nehemiah 8:1-3, 8-12. Who was Ezra? (He was a priest and a scribe.) What did he do? (He read God’s Word to all the people and explained it to them.) How did the people respond? (They listened carefully and then worshiped God.)

  3. Look at verses 10 & 12. Why did Nehemiah tell the people to go and have a big party? (God helped them finish the wall and protected them from their enemies. God proved His faithfulness and that is worth celebrating. They had heard God’s words and understood them. The joy of the Lord is our strength!)

  4. Read Nehemiah 9:1-6 and look at verse 3. Days after the Israelites heard God’s law, what did they do? (They read more of God’s Word, confessed their sins, and continued to worship God.)


Read Nehemiah 8:8-12. Have each member of the family share their favorite way to worship God. What are some other creative ways can you celebrate God’s faithfulness? Plan to do one of these after dinner tonight! (Ideas: sing/dance to worship music, draw a picture for Him, write a poem/song for Him, enjoy time in His creation, tell stories about Him to others)