Elementary // Initiative Week 3

Memory Verse:
“In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” Matthew 5:16 (NLT)


Initiative: Taking wise action without being told

Teaching Truth

Trust God and stand firm

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read Nehemiah 4:1-3. Who are the “bad guys” in this story? (Sanballat, Tobiah and their armies. Nehemiah first met them in verse 2:10.) How did they try to stop Nehemiah and the Israelites from finishing the wall? (They were making fun of the Israelites and trying to make them feel like they couldn’t do the work God wanted them to do. They tried to make them forget God was with them, helping them rebuild the wall.)

  2. Read Nehemiah 4:4-6 and look at verse 4. How did Nehemiah respond when he heard what his enemies were saying? (His first response was to pray to God because he knew only God could help and protect them.) See verse 6. Did their enemies’ first attack work? (No. God proved Himself trustworthy and the Israelites STOOD FIRM.)

  3. Read Nehemiah 4:7-8, 10-11 and look at verse 10. Were some of the Israelites starting to believe the enemies’ lies? (Some workers were getting tired and thought they’d never finish. They were worried about their enemies because they had forgotten God’s promises.)

  4. Read Nehemiah 4:9, 14-20 and look at verse 9. Did Nehemiah believe the enemies’ lies? (No!) How did Nehemiah continue to take INITIATIVE and STAND FIRM even when his enemies were planning to attack him? (He kept TRUSTING GOD and prayed for help. God helped him create a plan to protect the Israelites from their enemies.)


Remembering what is true about God helped Nehemiah and the Israelites trust God and stand firm. What are some of your favorite things to remember that are true about God? Try to name one character trait for each letter of the alphabet! (A - All-knowing; B – Beautiful; C – Compassionate, etc.)