Elementary // Initiative Week 2

Memory Verse:
“In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” Matthew 5:16 (NLT)


Initiative: Taking wise action without being told

Teaching Truth

Listen to God and speak out

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read Nehemiah 2:9-16. How did Nehemiah listen to what God was telling him and take wise action after he got to Jerusalem? (He went all around the city and inspected the wall at night.) Why do you think this was a wise thing to do first? (He wanted to get all the information he needed to take his next step. He wanted to have a plan before he started.)

  2. Look at verse 12. Who gave Nehemiah the plan for what to do and the initiative to do it? (God put the plans in Nehemiah’s heart. Nehemiah couldn’t do it alone.)

  3. Read Nehemiah 2:17-20. How did Nehemiah SPEAK OUT to the Israelites? (He told them about the grace of God, how God allowed him to come back and rebuild the walls. He challenged the people to join with him so they could rebuild the walls together.)

  4. Reread verse 18. How did most of the people respond? (They were excited and got to work right away.) Look at verses 10 & 19. Was everyone excited about rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem? (No. Some people made fun of Nehemiah and the Israelites for trying to rebuild the walls.)

  5. How did Nehemiah respond to the people who didn’t like how he spoke out and led the people? (He trusted God and continued to follow His lead. He was confident God was going to help the Israelites rebuild the walls even if others made fun of them.)


Ask your kids if they’ve ever been made fun of for speaking out about something they knew God said was right? What happened? Parents, share a time this happened to you, too. What truths about God can you remember when He asks you to take initiative and speak out? (Ex: He is always with you and loves you. His Word is always true. God’s plan is perfect and good. He will always give us what we need to do what He asks us to do.) Take time to look for some verses that remind you of these truths and read them together.