Elementary // Honesty Week 1

Memory Verse:
“The LORD detests lying lips, but He delights in those who tell the truth.” – PROVERBS 12:22 NLT


Honesty: Telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Teaching Truth

We are honest because it honors God.

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read Joshua 6-7. What instructions did God give the Israelites?

  2. How had Achan not honored God? How did his lie affect others?

  3. Why is even one little lie such a big deal to God? (God is holy and perfect and can only be with holy and perfect things. Even one sin makes us not perfect so we can’t be with Him. Just one little lie makes us deserving of death. When we lie it’s like we’re telling God we don’t trust His way is best and we want to do things our own way. That is dishonoring to our holy God and is a BIG deal. Achan got the punishment we all deserve every time we are not honest.) Talk about the amazing gift of grace God offers us even though we are sinners.


While driving tell your family that the sky is red! Be convincing and energetic about the sky being red. Tell them to look out the windows so they can see it. Most likely they will respond by telling you that it is NOT red, but it IS blue. Make this debate lead into teaching your family that while we can lie, it does not change the truth. No matter how many times you said the sky was red, it did not change the truth that the sky is actually blue. Dishonesty never actually changes the truth and God is the source of all truth. Being honest honors God.