Elementary // Gentleness Week 2

Memory Verse:
“Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowances for each other's faults because of your love.” Ephesians 4:2 (NLT)


Gentleness: Responding in a kind and careful way

Teaching Truth

We can respond gently to the world in need

Questions to Ask Your Child


  1. How do we see God’s gentleness in these verses? (God responded to our sin by sending Jesus to die and take the punishment we deserve. When we accept His free gift of grace, God forgives us, makes us righteous, and welcomes us into His family!)

  2. Look at verse 9. Are we saved because of our good works? (No!) Look at verse 10. Why do we do good works, like responding gently to a world in need? (When God forgives our sins and makes us new in Jesus, He gives us the ability to do the good things that He has planned for us. We respond to a world in need with gentleness because of what God has done in our lives.)


  1. How had the righteous responded gently and honored the King without knowing it? (The King said that when they were feeding the hungry and taking care of the sick, it’s like they were feeding and taking care of Him.) Just think: Every time you respond gently to someone in need, it’s like you are doing it for God Himself!

  2. Did they earn eternal life because they responded with gentleness? (No!) How do you know? (Ephesians tells us that it’s not our good works that save us, it’s grace and grace is a free gift God offers us!)


Look at Matthew 25:35-36. What do you think it would look like for you to respond gently to a world in need as a family? How can you respond to someone who is hungry? How can you respond to someone who is lonely? How can you respond to someone who’s clothes are worn out or don’t fit? How can you respond to someone who is sick or in a hard time? Take one of the ideas you thought of and put it into action this week.