Elementary // Faith Week 3

Memory Verse:
“Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.” Hebrews 11:1


Faith: Trusting in God, His Word, and His Promises

Teaching Truth

I can trust God and go where He leads me

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read Luke 2:8-20. What do you think those shepherds thought when the angels first appeared? 

  2. What amazing news did the angels have for the shepherds? How did the shepherds respond? 

  3. What fun ways do you and your family celebrate Jesus’ birth? What are your favorite songs or traditions? 

  4. Where are some places the Lord might be leading you and your family? What things might He want you to do for Him this week?  


Make time this week to have fun with your family! A great way to bring up the topic of trust is to do the trust fall exercise. The trust fall exercise is where you have one kid at a time stand on an elevated surface facing away from you. Then you and your spouse or older kids stand behind them and link arms so that you can catch them. Then you have the child who is going to be falling, close their eyes and blindly fall backwards! Biggest rule: CATCH THEM! Afterwards, take time to talk about how we can trust God completely to keep us and care for us.