Elementary // Easter Weekend

Memory Verse:
“But God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners." Romans 5:8 (NLT)


Romans 10:9-10 & John 20

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. When Mary got to the tomb what did she find? (She found that the tomb was empty.)

  2. Why was Jesus’ body not in the tomb? (Because Jesus came back to life, he was not dead anymore!)

  3. Why did Jesus choose to die three days before? (So he could take the consequence for our sin instead of us and we could have a right relationship with God since we were freed from sin.)

  4. Why is it so important that Jesus came back to life? (It shows us that Jesus has power over life and death, it proved to everyone that he really was the Messiah who God sent to save us!)


Before or after dinner, read Luke 24:1-12 and make “resurrection rolls” as a family. You can find the recipe and instructions here. While you’re waiting for them to bake, talk with your kids about why it’s so exciting that Jesus came back to life again and the difference He has personally made in your life. Then enjoy the treat for dessert!