Elementary // Courage Week 2

Memory Verse:
This is my command – be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. — Joshua 1:9


Courage: Being brave because God is with me

Scripture Reference

Acts 27

Teaching Truth

We can have courage because God is in control.

Questions to Ask Your Child

Read Daniel 3:4-6

  1. What were the people supposed to do? (When they heard the music, they were to bow and worship the king’s gold statue.)

  2. What was the consequence of not worshipping the statue? (They would be thrown into the blazing furnace.)

Read Daniel 3:14-18

  1. Look at the end of verse 15. What did the king think about God? Who did he think was in control? (The king didn’t believe anyone had more control than he did.)

  2. Reread verse 17. How do you know the 3 men trusted that God was in control? What did they believe God could do? (They said they knew that the God they served could save them because He was more powerful than the king.)

Read Daniel 3:20-28

  1. Look at verse 27. How had the fire hurt Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego? (It didn’t hurt them at all, but it did burn off the ropes they had been tied with. They didn’t even smell like smoke when they came out of the fire!)

  2. Was God ever surprised by anything that happened to these 3 men? How had God shown that He was in control and NOT the king? (He protected the 3 men even in the superheated fire. He was more powerful than the king and showed that He could save them no matter what.)


Practice the memory verse (Joshua 1:9) stop-and-go style! When you are about 100 feet from a stoplight or stop sign, start saying the verse as fast as you can. The goal is to get through the entire verse before you have to stop at the light or the sign. If you don’t make it in time, pause when you reach the light/sign and then pick it back up when you start driving again.