Elementary // Courage Week 1

Memory Verse:
This is my command – be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. — Joshua 1:9


Courage: Being brave because God is with me

Scripture Reference

Acts 27

Teaching Truth

We can have courage, because of who God is.

Questions to Ask Your Child

Read Acts 27:21-26

  1. What did Paul tell the people onboard? (He told them to have courage. God promised they would all survive the storm even though they would be shipwrecked.)

  2. Where did Paul have his hope and why? (His hope was in God. He knew God would always keep His promises.)

  3. What did Paul know about God? (He believed God is bigger than any storm he could experience. God is loving, good, and is always with him so there was no reason for him to be afraid.)

Read Acts 27:41-44

  1. Did things turn out like God told Paul they would? (Yes! The ship ran aground but everyone made it safely to shore.)

  2. What do you learn about God thru this story? What is He like? What traits did He show? (power, goodness, strength, love, etc.)


Play the alphabet game as you drive, focusing specifically on things that are true about God. List as many as you can for each letter before moving on to the next one (all-knowing, all-powerful, awesome…beautiful, benevolent, big…compassionate, caring, comforter…etc.). If possible, have one of your kids keep a list of all the words you come up with. See if you can get through the whole alphabet!