Elementary // Contentment Week 1

Scroll down for this week’s family worldview questions.

Memory Verse:
"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.” – PHILLIPIANS 4:12 NIV


Contentment: Being satisfied with God.

Teaching Truth

Jesus was content knowing God was His provider.

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read Luke 4:1-13. How did Satan try to tempt Jesus?

  2. How did Jesus respond every time? With God’s word and truth, Jesus chose to be content with God.

  3. How did Jesus trust that God was His provider? By following God’s way even when it was hard.

  4. How has God provided for you?

  5. What can you remember is true about God when you’re tempted to not be content with how He made you, not believe He gives you what you need, or when things seem out of control? How can you practice being satisfied with God?


While driving your kids to school or around town ask them to think of things they need, not want. (Examples: food, medicine, family, etc.). How has God taken care of your specific needs? Take time to specifically thank God for each need that God has provided for today.


Family Worldview Questions - Stewardship

  • Who owns everything in the whole world?

  • Who gives us everything we have?

Read 1 Timothy 6:17-18

  • Should we put our hope and trust in the things we have? No! We should put out trust in God.

  • Does God give us what we need? Yes! God provides for us richly, everything that we need!

  • How does God want us to use our money and the things He gave us? He wants us to use what He gives us to do good, to be generous, to care for our families and those in need.