Elementary – Hope Week 1

Memory Verse:
I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in Him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. — Romans 15:13


Hope: Having confidence in God’s promises.

Scripture Reference

 1 Chronicles 17

Teaching Truth

All God’s promises are kept in Jesus.

Questions to Ask Your Child

Read 1 Chronicles 17:7-14

  1. God made a promise to David about his family in these verses. What was it? (God promised David’s name will be remembered as great among men. One of his sons will be king and build a temple for God. He promises to never take His love away from him. He also promises that one of David’s descendants will reign forever as king.)

Read 1 Chronicles 17:23-24

  1. Why do you think David was so certain God would keep His promise? What did David do in response to God’s promises? (He believed God’s promise and worshiped Him.)

  2. Why would God make promises like this? Was it because David was so great? Did the kingdom of Israel do anything to deserve it? (God did it to make His own name more famous. Other nations and people would see that God keeps His promises and is worthy to be trusted and worshiped.)

Read 1 Chronicles 1:26-33

  1. What did Gabriel tell Mary about her son? (He said Jesus is the Son of God. He will be given David’s throne and reign forever.) Does that sound familiar? How was God’s promise to David kept in Jesus? (Jesus came from the line of David and was God. He will reign forever in heaven.)