Elementary – Consistency Week 5

Memory Verse:
You have charged us to keep your commandments carefully. Oh, that my actions would consistently reflect your decrees! Then I will not be ashamed when I compare my life with your commands. — Psalm 119:4-6


Consistency: Constantly following God and His Word.

Scripture Reference

Exodus 14:10-31

Teaching Truth

God is consistent even when we are not.

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. How did the Israelites respond when they saw that Pharaoh was chasing them? (They panicked and were afraid. They thought it would be better if they were slaves in Egypt again.)

  2. Does it sound like they were trusting God? Why? How were their actions not consistent? (They worshipped God when things went well but doubted Him when things were hard, and they didn’t understand God’s plan.) Have you ever done that?

  3. How did God show His power and keep His promise? (His cloud protected them from the Egyptian army; He parted the waters of the sea so Israel could walk on the dry ground; He drowned their enemies.)

  4. What did the Israelites do to deserve to be rescued? (Nothing, they doubted & were scared) Did God’s faithfulness depend on Israel’s actions? How do you know? (No, even though Israel was inconsistent, He still fought for them & rescued


Practice the memory verse (Psalm 119:4-6) stop-and-go style! When you are about 100 feet from a stoplight or stop sign, start saying the verse as fast as you can. The goal is to get through the entire verse before you have to stop at the light or the sign. If you don’t make it in time, pause when you reach the light/sign and then pick it back up when you start driving again.