Elementary // Bible Timeline Week 2

Memory Verse:
“You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me.” John 5:39 (NIV)

Bible Timeline Eras

Exodus and Conquest

Key Words

Bondage, Rescue, Wandering, and Promised Land

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read Exodus 3:17 – What is God going to do? (Rescue His people and lead them into the Promised Land.) How is this similar to how God leads us out of our sin and bondage? (The Gospel! He sent Jesus to rescue us from our sin and make a way for us to have life with Him forever.) 

  2. Read Deuteronomy 6:10-12 - What is the Lord going to do? (Bring them into the land He promised them) Is this because of anything good the Israelites had done? (No! God is providing for them in ways they didn’t earn or deserve.) 

  3. Is the Lord faithful to keep His promises? (YES!)  


At dinner one night this week, take turns having each family member share their favorite Bible story. Why is it your favorite? What does it teach you about God? Is there any way that story connects to the New Testament and what Jesus has done for us? Does it teach you any important lessons today?