Elementary // Bible Timeline Week 1

Memory Verse:
“You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me.” John 5:39 (NIV)

Bible Timeline Eras

Creation and Patriarchs

Key Words

Creation, Fall, People, and Promises

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read Genesis 1:31 – What did God say about His creation when He was finished? (It was good!) What are some of your favorite things God created? 

  2. Read Genesis 3:1-7 – What happened when Adam and Eve chose to disobey God? (They felt ashamed and had to leave the garden.) 

  3. What can you do to remind yourself of truth when you are struggling to trust and obey the Lord? 

  4. Read Genesis 17:7 – Did God keep His promise to Abraham? (Yes! He always keeps His promises) Does this mean God will keep His promises to us too? (Yes!) 


Work on the memory verse as a family! Write each word of the memory verse (John 5:39 NIV) on an index card. Shuffle the cards together and see if you can put them in the correct order. Do it again, but time yourself to see how long it takes. You can even have a competition within your family to see who can do it the fastest!

Bible Timeline Resources

Bible Timeline Overview - Click here for a Bible Timeline Overview! This document lists all 13 Bible Timeline eras with key words and a description of what happens during each era.

Bible Timeline Picture Icons - Check out the whole Bible Timeline with the era and key words picture icons by clicking here! Print the pictures, cut them out and come up with a family challenge for memorizing the eras and key words!

Bible Timeline Hand Motions - Watch the video below covering the hand motions for the Bible Timeline eras. Follow along and work with your family to memorize all of the hand motions!