Family Advocacy
Seeking to restore families and give hope and dignity to every human. We desire to be advocates of life, from parents to children to the unborn. We believe restoration is possible.
Ministry Information
“A father to the fatherless and defender of widows is God in His holy dwelling. He sets the lonely in families…” — Psalm 68:5-6
Foster Care & Adoption
We prepare and support our body to care for vulnerable children and families through foster care and adoption. Our goal is to resource foster and adoptive families so that they are healthy and thriving.
Intro to Foster Care & Adoption Class happens early Spring.
Mom to Mom Support Group
Mom to Mom is a monthly support group for foster and adoptive moms. It serves as a place to encourage one and support one another through all stages of the foster/adoption process and learn from our shared experiences.
Respite Night
Finding childcare for foster, adoptive and special needs families can be challenging. We are excited to be able to provide an opportunity for parents to enjoy a night out and for kids to enjoy a night of fun. Our next Parents’ Night Out will be in May of 2025. We hope you’ll join us!
Parent’s Night Out CHILD REGISTRATION - coming soon
Care & Recovery
No matter your circumstances, find a safe place to face your past and courageously address today’s pain while moving towards full devotion to Christ.
We have trusted men and women who walk alongside those impacted by past hurts such as abortion, infertility, miscarriage, and loss.
Ministry Partners
Pregnancy Resource Centers
Serve women and families through the journey of pregnancy. We partner with Real Options in Allen and Prestonwood Pregnancy Center in Richardson.
Embrace Texas
Connecting willing hands with opportunities to serve children in foster, adoptive, and kinship care.