Join us for a Christmas in July themed Craft Day on Thursday, July 25 at 10 AM.
We will be making crafts to include in Operation Christmas Child boxes! Come learn and make new crafts, revisit some of our old favorite crafts, and get your shoeboxes early to begin filling this year! Invite your friends and neighbors! All ages are welcome!
Operation Christmas Child impacts millions of children and communities around the world on a daily basis. You can become involved by promoting Operation Christmas Child within your own areas of influence, serving with us on Sundays to pass out and collect boxes, and/or serve at CityBridge during national collection week in November. This is is a great opportunity to serve with your family, friends, neighbors, or community. Come and be a part of what our big God is doing through these small shoeboxes! Children are welcome to attend the volunteer gathering as well as serve with us.