To celebrate the New Year and to have a time of fellowship with our church family, we are having an all-church potluck! Use the link below to signup to provide food/drinks.
We will have only ONE service on January 1 at 10:00am
Food lines for the potluck will open shortly after the service ends at 11:30am.
Tables will be setup to drop off food as you come in for church that day.
We want to do all we can to ensure food will be kept at a safe temperature throughout the morning.
Heated items should be brought in a crock pot or with a hot plate. Power connections will be provided.
Chilled items should be brought on ice or with ice packs.
Plan to bring enough of your item to feed 5-10 people (unless otherwise indicated.)
If you are having your food delivered by a third party (i.e., Papa Johns, DoorDash), please have it delivered to the church between 11:00am and 11:15am on January 1st.