A People of Prayer Who Share: Colossians 4:2–6

Sermon Notes

Welcome to the second to last week of our Colossians series! We're in Colossians 4:2-6, and this passage stresses the importance of being both a People of Prayer and a People that Share. Matt Wideman will share personal experiences about the challenges and rewards of prayer and the transformative power prayer has had in his life, especially during difficult times like his wife's battle with cancer.

The passage also discusses the significance of sharing the gospel with outsiders, urging us to approach conversations with wisdom, grace, and a genuine desire to connect others with the love of Christ. Let's take steps to prioritize intimacy with Jesus through prayer and to actively seek opportunities to share the gospel with those around us!

Key Takeaways

  • We Are a People of Prayer (Colossians 4:2–4)

  • We Are a People That Share (Colossians 4:5–6)

    Discussion Questions

  • How has prayer influenced your life during difficult times? Share a personal experience.

  • Considering the challenges of prioritizing prayer in today's culture, how can we make prayer a central part of our daily routine?

  • What practical strategies can we employ to share our faith with wisdom, grace, and authenticity, as emphasized in the message?

  • How can we cultivate boldness and confidence in sharing the gospel, even when faced with potential rejection?

  • What steps can we take to deepen our relationship with God through prayer and experience its transformative power in our lives?