
Sermon Notes

Welcome to our Generous series! As we kick off, David Marvin walked through how Jesus taught about money, specifically how our lives are opportunities that can be filled with meaningful investments or spent acquiring material possessions. Jesus encourages us to prioritize investing in eternity and serving God rather than pursuing wealth for its own sake. Money, according to Jesus, reveals our perspective on eternity, our heart's condition, and who we ultimately serve.

Money Reveals Your Eternity

  • Practical Reason: Material possessions deteriorate and have no lasting value.

  • Eternal Reason: Storing up earthly treasures is a bad investment, as they hold no value in eternity.

  • Jesus encourages investing in His kingdom, as earthly wealth will eventually lose value.

  • See money with an eternal perspective, as its true worth lies in serving God's purposes.

Money Reveals Your Heart

  • How you spend your money reveals your priorities and reflects your heart's condition.

  • Jesus emphasizes the importance of a satisfied heart and an eternal perspective when dealing with money. Your view of money impacts various aspects of life, not just your finances.

  • The love of money can result in a range of negative consequences, including a loss of faith.

Money Reveals Who You Serve

  • Your financial choices reveal whether you serve God or money. Money can become a master if you let it control your decisions.

  • You must decide whether God or money is your ultimate priority. Money can easily take the role of a false god without you realizing it.

  • Money is an unsatisfying master; it always demands more. It falsely promises security, self-worth, and provision.

  • Focus on investing in God's kingdom with your money and time. Consider contributing to ministries and organizations rather than just the church's collection plate.

Discussion Questions

  1. How does Jesus emphasize the importance of our perspective on money and what it reveals about our hearts and priorities?

  2. What practical reasons did the message provide for not storing up treasures on earth, and what eternal reason was highlighted for investing in heavenly treasures?

  3. Why is it essential to see money from an eternal perspective, and what challenges might people face in achieving this perspective in today's culture?

  4. In what ways can money reveal our hearts and allegiances? How can we ensure that we prioritize serving God rather than being enslaved by money?

  5. The message mentioned several lies related to money. How do these lies affect people's perspectives on wealth and possessions? How can we combat these lies with a biblical understanding of money and its role in our lives?