Kids & Teens Recovery

Recovery classes for students 1st grade – 12th grade.


“So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you.” — John 16:22


In this world we all experience pain and loss, even as children. Thankfully there is help and hope. Trusted leaders who have personally experienced pain and loss bring the hope and tools they have personally found in order to share it with others. Here at CityBridge, we desire to provide practical resources and programs that give kids the skills they need to face hardship while introducing them to the hope they have in a God who sees them and loves them. Kids have an opportunity to learn, laugh, talk, cry and play together as they journey through hard circumstances.


Divorce Recovery for Kids

Our caring Divorce Recovery leaders create an environment where each kid can feel safe to explore their feelings and fears, with the goal of every child knowing that they are loved and secure. The Divorce Recovery for Kids program is geared towards students ages 1st grade to 5th grade. Group classes coincide with the adult Divorce Recovery classes. Evenings include fun games, crafts, practical teachings, and group discussions. Kids get a chance to talk with adults who have experienced the divorce of their own parents during childhood, creating a safe space for kids to process their feelings and experiences. To allow parents to engage in the process, each week families are given a take-home sheet that covers the topics shared in the group to share together at home. Topics include anger, fear, sadness, God’s love, loneliness, forgiveness, creating new relationships, how to talk about feelings, and understanding that divorce isn’t my fault.

For more information on the program curriculum, check out

Click here for more information on Divorce Recovery adult classes at CityBridge.

*All topical Care & Recovery classes start in the Fall Semester

Grief Recovery for Kids

Our Grief Recovery for Kids leaders go above and beyond to create a safe place for kids & teens who have experienced the loss of a family member, friend, or loved one. This interactive grief support program uses Watermark Church’s SHIFT curriculum and the programming coincides with the adult Grief Recovery classes on Tuesday Nights from 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM. Evenings include fun games, crafts, practical teachings, and group discussions. Kids & teens get a chance to talk with adults who have experienced similar losses when they were children, creating a safe space to open up and process their own experiences.

Curious about what this looks like? Click here to learn more about SHIFT and what the experience looks like for families, kids and teens.

Click here for more information on Grief Recovery adult classes at CityBridge.

*All topical Care & Recovery classes start in the Fall Semester