
Andrea Stahl

production coordinator


I was born in Salvador and raised in Costa Rica. I had the privilege of growing up with parents that loved the Lord and that truly showed me what it meant to be a devoted follower of Christ. When I was little, I remember thinking I wanted to have a deep relationship with God like my dad and be a prayer warrior like my mom. When I was 13 years old I went on a Youth Retreat and had my AHA moment- even though I had heard the gospel my whole life, it was that weekend that I realized Jesus loved ME specifically and that He had died on the cross, because He wanted ME to spend eternity with Him. The Lord captured my heart then and I’ve never looked back!

After that weekend, I knew I wanted to be in ministry. Literally 10 years later, at 23 years old I got hired at CityBridge! I believe I am walking in God’s faithfulness as I write this, and I am humbled & excited to continue walking in the good works He has prepared in advance! (Ephesians 2:10)

I moved to Florida in 2012 and a couple of years later I met my handsome husband, Will! We got married on July 2018 and you can find us anytime eating tacos, watching Superhero movies, hanging out at a coffeeshop or doing photography shoots!