Alex Gonzalez

Connecting and Host Team Director

Hola hermanos y hermanas! My name is Alejandro Gonzalez, and I was born in Los Angeles, California. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior at 21 years old in August of 2001. With a Catholic background, being pulled towards Jehovah’s Witness and Mormonism, I never really came to know God in a personal way. Since accepting Christ, I was properly discipled and taught the scriptures, which made great impact in my life. The Lord healed past hurts and changed patterns of how I used to live, which led to making godly decisions.

In 2017, the Lord called us to move to Plano, Texas. As soon as we arrived here, we heard about Watermark/CityBridge Plano. We instantly felt at home, blessed with so much love from members of the body and were grateful to be in a healthy church.

I am married to Armida, and we have two daughters, Alexa and Abigail. I have two kids from a previous relationship, my 23-year-old daughter, Brianna, and my 21-year-old son, Sebastian. We are very close to this day.

I have the privilege to serve in the Host, Connecting, and Worship Ministries, where I get to help and encourage others to grow closer to Christ. This also encourages and blesses me in my faith, growth, and walk with Christ.